Become a Resource Vendor

Does your company support small businesses? Are you looking for a cost-effective way to expand your support of startups and small businesses? Consider listing your company as a vendor resource within the Interactive Startup Business Application (iSBA). The iSBA tool provides entrepreneurial users a step-by step guide to build their small business plan. It includes 8 modules containing coaching videos and interactive Q&A’s. Modules 1-7 are focused on the user’s business plan development. Module 8 is a resource listing for vendors to advertise their products and services all small business entrepreneurs require to be successful. The iSBA platform offers you, a specialized vendor, a focused marketing tool to present your company to the iSBA user group of entrepreneurs. 

Your company listing featuring your products and or services in the App is available for the budget friendly cost of $300.00 for a 12-month listing term. By purchasing the annual listing subscription, your listing will go live in the iSBA platform the first day of the month following your sign-up. 

(Example: Vendor A signs up via the website on January 15th and makes payment. The 12-month listing term begins 1 February (goes live) and runs through 31 January). 



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